Thursday, February 17, 2011

This Little Piggy Has A Confession...and a Recipe!

Well I guess it's pretty obvious it's been over a week since my last post. It seems I'm not the best blogger out there lol. I will say that I have several reviews, recipes and stories to share and that I will keep blogging. I appreciate all the support I've received and love hearing from everyone!

I wanted to share the simplest and tastiest recipe I have ever come up with. I feel guilty calling it a recipe!

This Little Piggy's Neopolitan Smoothie

1 1/2 cups Chocolate Silk
1 cup frozen Strawberries

Take both ingredients and combine in a blender. Blend until smooth.


I eat this every morning for breakfast. I hope you enjoy it too.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Very Relaxed Day

Hey Folks!

Well today was a very relaxed day. Did some housework, read some cookbooks and now my love and I are enjoying a date night. A little Late Autumn Riesling (my fave) and some Chinese food. So many veggies and delicious tofu!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Tomorrow I'll be posting an amazing recipe for "Chicken" Wings with Homemade Vegan Ranch....sooooo good!!!


Friday, February 4, 2011

My Copy of Veganomicon Came!!!!

Ahhhh Friday evening, done work, ready for a nice meal, a glass of wine and....wait a sec....what's that in my mailbox???? My copy of Veganomicon!!!! Woot Woot!!!

I have been anxiously awaiting my copy since ordering it online a couple of weeks ago. Since I made the decision to live life as a Vegan I have been devouring cook books and scouring the internet for cool recipe ideas and blogs.

I had an enormous cook book collection as an omnivore and found endless pleasure in creating new recipes and experimenting in the kitchen. So finding Vegan cookbooks to restock what became a bare cookbook shelf was definitely high on my to do list!

I have collected quite a few books and look forward to reviewing them here in the near future!

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This Little Piggy Went To Market - Yves Veggie Turkey Dinner Meal Kit

Evening Folks!

Welcome to my very first product review. Todays product is Yves Veggie Turkey Dinner Meal Kit (Wow that's a mouthful!!!)

This kit includes two "turkey" patties, stuffing and gravy mix. It's something you can get onto the table in about 15 minutes. Add homemade mashed taters and you're looking at another 25-35 minutes.

To make the stuffing the instructions recommend adding broth and for the gravy mix you add water. The gravy was simple, nothing too fancy but I definitely could've jazzed it up. The stuffing was really a let down. It felt like it had no flavour. Next time I'll make my own from scratch.

The star of this meal kit was definitely the "turkey" patties. Really substantial with an amazing texture. I would use this patty for a "turkey" burger in a heartbeat. It was tasty and something I would definitely make again only with my own sides or as I said as a burger!

Overall rating - 7/10

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The First Post

Hello everyone!

I am fairly certain that seeing as this is a brand new blog and no one but myself knows it exists I am saying hello to the void which is the internet. However, I look forward to a future of "This Little Piggy" that is full of regular followers, awesome feedback and a source of inspiration and laughs for like minded people.

To begin I will introduce myself. My name is Darlene and I am 34 years old. As of January 1st, 2011, my soul mate and I became Vegans. I have to say making this huge lifestyle change as a team has definitely helped. We have had a couple of Vegetarian moments and even a run in with a bacon cheeseburger (after two bites I was done) but overall we are committed to being healthier and helping contribute to the well being of the planet and all the creatures that share it with us.

I guess to someone who is just reading this and doesn't know me going Vegan may or may not seem like a big deal. I was a full on carnivore and had absolutely NO intention of ever stopping. Everyone who knows me literally had a jaw drop moment when I announced my new lifestyle. "YOU?!?!? VEGAN?!?!?"

I was unofficially the "Pork Princess". Bacon, ham, pork chops, sausages, ribs...I was in love with Pigs....only in the wrong way. I loved my steaks rare and my chicken crispy on the outside juicy on the inside. Cheeseburgers were heaven on earth (I had a soft spot for Big Macs). Thing is whenever I saw a Pig or Cow or Chicken I let my mind disconnect. I thought they were cute, intelligent and lovable...not my dinner.

At the end of 2010 I decided I needed to do something about my eating habits and overall health. I lost my Mother to cancer in 2009 at the age of 62, I was devasted and terrified, I also knew I needed to smarten up.

I was strolling through the book section of Wal-Mart when I came across a book called "Skinny Bitch", to say the least the title caught my eye! I picked it up and knew the moment I started reading the back cover that I needed to get this book. I needed a swift kick in the ass and I needed it yesterday.

I honestly had no idea that the book was essentially about becoming a Vegan to be healthier and live a better more enviromentally friendly life. I looked at animals through a new set of eyes and realized that I had to make the change I never EVER thought I would...I became a Vegan.

With this blog I want to share my experiences, my recipes or recipes I have found that I love, review products and books and overall document my new life!

I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope to hear back from you as well.

This little piggy is going to have some dinner now :)
